This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Section | shortcut | |
Summary |
........................................................................................................ | 1 |
High Level Design |
........................................................................................................ | 3 |
Project Requirements |
........................................................................................................ | 4 |
Software |
........................................................................................................ | 5 |
Downloads |
........................................................................................................ | 6 |
Hardware |
........................................................................................................ | 7 |
Microcontroller |
........................................................................................................ | 8 |
Input |
........................................................................................................ | 9 |
Output |
........................................................................................................ | 10 |
Memory |
........................................................................................................ | 11 |
Communication |
........................................................................................................ | 12 |
References |
........................................................................................................ | 13 |
This project is to research TMLesque technologies, develop and build modular microcontroller platform for wireless multiplayer audio and data sensing/processing embedded in wearable, portable, architectural and/or kinetic contraptions. With speaker-independant speech recognition and sound synthesis,recording, looping and layering, multiple users can interact in the same physical space or in different spaces. Chaku aims to create audio-haptic gaming applications experienced in any physical space in time, mediated or in situ. |
People and Roles
Dr. Xin Wei | Research direction |
Hugo Desmeules | Research & electronics |
David | Firmware Programming |
Shermine | Shape Design, 3D |
TML actives | Active feedback |
For questions and feedbcak email me at:
Audio videogames vs audiogames
Just like in the cinema industry where most of the people work for the visuals and few for the audio, the videogaming industry becomes bigger than Hollywood, we are occasionaly exposed to a gameplay revolving around audio (Parappa the rapper, Guitar Hero, Taiko drum master, Donkey Konga, Rev, Harmonix Frequency, Mad Maestro, Electroplankton), also to somewhat limited tactile games (Nintendogs) and movement-based games (Dance Dance revolution).While such toys usually offer an experience based on rhythm or pattern with a certain replay value, the potential for greater musicality is often intentionnally reduced for bigger audience prospect while they sought to develop interesting ways of interacting with sounds and custom controllers, it is often limited in finesse by a low resolution controller and still mostly rely on visual cues to let the player know when to do certain actions. Event-based gaming has a relatively long curriculum, while a continuous topological gaming model is currently explored. Another layer of processing like feature extraction adds access to speech recognition, altough event-based, is an extra in an already potentially rich experience.
Chaku aims to create audio-haptic gaming applications experienced in any physical space in time, mediated or in situ. Most videogames isolates the players to rooms only and block most of their potential surrounding environments from being discovered. The auditory and tactile channels are very powerfully linked and potentially as stimulating in a gaming environment as the visual channel, and may use real world spaces in new contexts. With ad-hoc wireless sensor networks being developped, the potential for context-aware gaming is blooming.
Creative musical tools can be overwhelming or hard-to-use for non-musicians. We are aiming for a middle ground by making audio games that are fun enough for everybody to play with, wether based on basic rules (or even no rules at all), offering simple goals (and maybe harder goals as well)...and have a potential of exploration that will keep the players interested in deviating from the basic goals, to create new ways for non-musicians and musicians alike to experience the unique joy that comes from gathering and playing with animated sounds.
Sketch ideas
On its own, Chaku listens for voice commands until it recognizes one, this command could tell it to record ambiant sounds, store a quick beatbox and loop it, layer samples and sequence them, sense environmental parameters and tell its opinion (ex: "It'd getting hot in here!" based on its temperature sensor), say random phrases to encourage interaction (ex:"Chaku ?"), but while their vocal interactions can be based on language, they can also be based strictly on sounds that are not part of any language like the Wowee Homosapien robots that speak international cavemen.
With multiple Chaku modules in the same room, they start to communicate wirelessly (a blue LED lights up when they recognize each other) and exchange sounds, multiplayer sound games can be played, they can share playroles, while one listens for commands, one records and another is cheering its user. Or Chaku's could become angry when they're not fed certain sounds so they start yelling to fill the acoustic space.
Connect one to a computer and it will link it and all other chakus to the processing power of the computer and the networking abilities of the internet. Sounds can be transformed in real-time, can generate video effects in real-time, etc. The net can connect 2 or more chakus in different cities so they can share sounds and play games.
Each Chaku interacts with its environment and users, it interacts with other Chaku devices wirelessly with or without the intermediary computer box, depending on the depth on computing power needed (for example video processing). We can see uses for Chaku in multiple experiments for multiple applications such as mobile music, theatre, storytelling, art installation, architecture, mobile and wearable computing.
Network Topologies
Different gameplays emerge depending on the network topology used. (NTU)
Experiment ideas for audio games
Chaku Pichu (Hide and Seek)
NTU: Star
3 or more people are blindfolded and wear a chaku on their hand, 1 seeker and 2 hiders.Depending on where they are, they hear a radar-like sound informing them of how close is the seeker and vice-versa. When the seeker has found a hider, the chakus inform their wearer by voice that the roles have changed. variant: when the seeker says "Marco", the other chakus respond "Polo" (or "Chaku" "Pichu"). Variant: Everybody seeks someonelse. No-rule variant: no explanation is required as the people's behavior is tested with an augmented sense of proximity through audio. Interaction scenarios based on war, submarine missile, radar, etc.
technology used: sound synthesis,
problem: How to sense proximity in "medium" distances?
Augmented Storytelling / Theatre / SpellCasting
NTU: Mesh
A storyteller or multiple orators wear a device that does voice recognition and wirelessly sends commands to a computer that augments audio-visually the space. Based on certain state or action trigger words, the speaker
Ball Throwing
NTU: Mesh
Sound synthesis based on accelerometer sensor inside the balls. Hoops of different shapes and sizes installed around a room provide an intuitive interaction for the player/performer. The room is augmented with spatially mapped multichannel sound. Can be multiplayer.
NTU: Mesh
Objects (either everyday normal objects or custom funky designs)
interact .The more the merrier. They record snippets of sounds when they
feel like it and occasionally leak their memory into the soundscape.
NTU: Solo or Mesh
Chaku is embedded in a door or a chest. Chaku asks multiple users different questions such as "What is your name? What is your favorite color?" After some questions, it listens for the answers and determines if the user has access.
technology used: sound synthesis, multiple speaker-dependent voice recognition, speaker verification
Forbidden words game
Some words are forbidden (ex: yes, no) People ask normal questions to trick
others into saying these words, when it happens, Chaku lights red leds,
vibrates and emits a noisy sound.
Audio Trivia / Complete the quote
Chaku plays a musical sample of varying lenght then fades out. When a player
says the right answer, Chaku lights with blue and emits a happy harp sound.
Variant: Chaku plays a popular quote but omits a part of it. The player
has to complete the sentence.When a player says the right answer, Chaku
lights with blue and emits a happy harp sound.
Stranger circle (Spin the Chaku)
NTU: Solo or Star and/or Ring
Strangers gather in a space around a Chaku, we spin the chaku, when
it stops pointing a person, it designates this person a color and a sound,
this person has to interpret this and improvise. then we spin it again...
Or it designates multiple people, attributes them each a color and speaks
instructions to improvise...
Patate chaude (hot potato)
People ...
NTU: Ring or line
a person whispers any word or sentence in a Chaku , then passes it to the
next person who puts Chaku to his ear to listen to the previous person's
message. He then whispers what he thinks he has heard. and it goes again
until the last player who says out loud what he heard. The message is almost
inevitably altered in weird or funny ways.
Experiment ideas for musical instruments
Audio Jam
NTU: fully connected
Each Chaku can record snippets of sounds from the microphone, then either trigger the sound, loop it or send it wirelessly to another Chaku. Master tempo is automatically synced, but individual chakus can choose to play at a fraction or a multiple of the tempo speed.
technology used: sound synthesis, sound record and playback, looping, transceiver
Chordlink is a wearable gestural synthesizer that I built in 2005 ( ). It relied on 30 year old synthesis chips that are no longer manufactured and could highly benefit a new synthesis chip like the VR stamp.
An electronic ocarina in development.The design was based on Chordlink, but the main synthesis engine is being replaced with a PIC, for lower cost and better availability. The body is being designed with the rapid prototyping machine.
Other Experiment Ideas
AbstractPaintingUnit (APU)
Giving a voice to APU will make him closer to being a real misunderstood artist. New interactions are possible with its audience such as critiques and praises. The VR Stamp could be implemented here as a co-processor. Calling "APU" triggers the conversation mode where APU asks questions (ex:Do you like my painting so far?),listens to your answers and either agrees with you and accordingly change elements to the composition (color, pattern,..) or diagrees and also changes elements but disaccordingly.
project will mainly be programmed in the Sensor Lab, fabricated in sensor
lab and rapid prototyping lab, and tested in the TML space.
The software required to program the VR Stamp is included on a cd bundled with the VR Stamp Toolkit.
Phyton ( is the only company in the market offering a complete development tool solution for the RSC-4x family of speech-recognition and synthesis microcontrollers produced by Sensory, Inc. Tools offered are: Project Editor , MCC-SE C compiler , MCA-SE macro assembler , PDS-SE debugger/simulator, they also offer hardware PICE-SE in-circuit emulator and the ChipProg+ programmer
The Catch
The included C compiler by Phyton is limited in time of use. It works with a protection USB dongle during 12 weeks only.We could test an open-source one to see if it can replace the one included. The upgrade license may be purchased for 600$ from Phyton. So we better plan to have lots of code ready to test before installing the compiler.
n.b. the assembly and C code examples are properly commented.
Recent Problems:
The C compiler has been reporting weird errors on compile, like syntax errors on untouched libraries. UPDATE: errors fixed.
Also the QT2SI which was working great, started to crash on startup, reinstalling did not work.UPDATE: fixed, the problem was a conflict with the microphone on a USB camera.
The Quicksynthesis 4.3.1 software is easy to work with.
The FluentChip 1.0.2 code library is well documented. It contains code example in C and assembly.
Download FluentChip™
and Quick Synthesis 4
22.5MB 5/24/05
Creates a text file in MCASE assembler format for a table of binary data.
bin2mca <input.bin> <label> <seg name> <const | code> <output.mca>
This program can be used to create new instruments or edit existing instruments
for the RSC4X Music Player.
Creates .txt file with lists of instruments and notes used by a song
(v2.1) Correctly reads converted midi files (.mca) that were created using -v option
This utility converts an Intel .HEX file to a binary file. The binary file must be
1MByte or less. Version 1.2 pads output to next 256 byte boundary.
hex2bin <input.hex> <output .bin>
A utility that converts an input .hex file for a project that is larger than 128KB
(up to 1MB). There are two output files. The first output file is a .hex file
for code space (0000H-1FFFFH). The second output file is a .hex file for data above
or equal to address 20000H. This data is relocated to zero in the second output .hex
file. This second file can be used to program an external parallel or serial memory
for use by SX speech with an appropriate memory handler added to SX_H.MCA.
hexsplit <input .hex> <output code .hex> <output data .hex>
Tool to build instrument database for RSC4 Music.
(v1.4) For tech release 7.5.0 or later. Moved variable pitch samples
from bank 0 of code space to bank 1 of const space. Existing
projects need to be rebuilt.
(v1.3) Added .LNKCMD to output .mca files to force certain tables into
bank 0 of code space.
(v1.2) Fixed bug related to input files without CR+LF after last line.
Converts MIDI files to RSC4 Music format.
(v1.02) if more than one note-on event happens for the same note and same channel
without an intervening note-off, delete the extra note-on event(s).
Tool to load the flash memory on an RSC4 development board
(v2.02) Changed stop bits from 2 to 1
(v2.01) Default baud rate is 57600
(v2.00) Added -h option to specify hex (default is binary unless file extension is
.hex). Added support for VR Stamp
(v1.04) Added -d option to download to Flash Data Memory on Demo/Eval Board
rsc4load [<options>] <filename>
Converts a standard 16-bit Mono .wav file into a .mca (assembly language source)
file for use by voice-over voices.
(v1.1) Added -i option to ignore <smpl> chunk and use entire file as a loop.
This utility program searchs a directory or directory tree for files with extensions
.IDE, .CFL, .CFA and .CFC. Within those files, it searches for paths pointing to
Phyton tools and updates them to a different Phyton path.
The software required to program the Atmel AVR micro-controller is either the open-source AVRdude or WinAVR (AVR GCC).
Max/MSP/Jitter patches composed by fellow TML people to enhance the Chaku experience, by enhancing the audio, adding video and communicating over long distances with Open Sound Control (osc)
Audio Streaming
We should also try the GNU GPL-licensed NINJAM server application while chakus stream over the NINJAM client software.
"Since the inherent latency of the Internet prevents true realtime synchronization of the jam, and playing with latency is weird (and often uncomfortable), NINJAM provides a solution by making latency (and the weirdness) much longer.Latency in NINJAM is measured in measures, and that's what makes it interesting."
The NINJAM client records and streams synchronized intervals of music between participants. Just as the interval finishes recording, it begins playing on everyone else's client. So when you play through an interval, you're playing along with the previous interval of everybody else, and they're playing along with your previous interval. If this sounds pretty bizarre, it sort of is, until you get used to it, then it becomes pretty natural. In many ways, it can be more forgiving than a normal jam, because mistakes propagate differently.
Part tool, part toy, NINJAM is designed with an emphasis on musical experimentation and expression.
NINJAM Server:
The main requirement for running the server is outbound bandwidth. For example,
a 4 person jam needs approximately 768kbps of outbound (and only 240kbps inbound)
bandwidth, and a 8 person jam requires approximately 3mbps of outbound (and
600kbps inbound) bandwidth. We are planning on updating the architecture to
support a more distributed model, but this is just an alpha release.
NINJAM Client:
The NINJAM client requires a fair amount of CPU power, a moderate amount of
inbound bandwidth (192kbps for a typical 4 person jam, 512kbps for an 8 person
jam) and less outbound bandwidth (100kbps typical).
component has been chosen to be powered by a 3 Volt source for
compatibility and portability.I2C components have been selected instead
of SPI because: I2C's lower speed and more complex protocol put it at a
disadvantage in single master-single slave applications. Its weakness
turns into strength if a larger number of slave devices needs to be
connected or a multi-master system is needed. Since we most probably
will use multiple peripheral devices and that pin count is limited, I2C
is, I think, the logical choice.
Master microcontroller: AVR (Butterfly for testing) or PIC
Since the VR Stamp can hardly handle all the sensor data, communicate in I2C wit all peripherals and handle all audio related features at the same time, it felt like a good thing to put a popular microcontroller in control.
AVR Butterfly is an evaluation tool demonstrating the capabilities of the latest AVR Technology. The tool is shipped with preloaded firmware supporting temperature sensing, light measurement, voltage readings and music playback. AVR Butterfly can also be used as a nametag.
AVR Butterfly can be reprogrammed from AVR Studio using just a serial cable. This allows the tool to be used as a development kit for the onboard ATmega169, or even as target hardware for simple applications. The bootloader source code is available as application note AVR109.
Power: if using external power 3.1-4.5V or 3.0 volts Battery Model CR2450 (550mAh)
if using external power couple with Dimension Engineering DE-SW033 3.3Vswitching voltage regulator
Using the USI module as I2C master
C example of using I2C range finder with AVR
or even possibly on something like a Nordic nRF24E1 MCU (yet unlikely)
# Single Chip RF transceiver + MCU + ADC
# nRF2401 2.4GHz RF transceiver
# 8051 compatible microcontroller
# 9 input 10 bit ADC 100Kspls/s
# "Green" lead free alternative
# Internal voltage regulators
# Ultra low current drain standby and operation
# Internal VDD monitoring
# Supplied in 36 pin QFN (6x6mm) package
# Mask programmable version available
# Very few external components
# Ease of design
# Data rate 0 to1Mbps
# Multi Channel operation 125 channels
# Support frequency hopping
# Channel switching time <200us.
# Power supply range: 1.9 to 3.6 V
# Address and CRC computation
# Shock Burst(tm) mode for ultra-low power operation
# 0 dBm output power
# 100% RF tested
# Complements the nRF2401 transceive
Sensory VR Stamp
The VR Stamp is a good co-processor for Chaku, acting as the sound card of the project.
The VR Stamp Toolkit Contains:
Quick T2SI Lite (Text-to-Speaker-Independant speech recognition set tool) is an abbreviated version of the full one. Quick T2SI offers you a limited number of builds (20) and with a limited # of commands per build. Further, it is only good for a 6 month period of time. Keep in mind, to build a successful command set, it works best to narrow it down to as few commands as possible, and ensure that they do not sound similar to each other to prevent undesired responses. Quick T2SI comes with the VR Stamp development kit, but to upgrade to the full version, the cost is $1,000. (should be possible to get university discounts) We might not need this software.
Wireless Accelerometer/ Tilt Controller Witilt1 2axis andcompatible with nRF2401 2.4GHz module (ex: MIRF transceiver, potentially Laipac also)
Witilt2 (3axis- bluetooth)
Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - MMA7260Q
switches (physical or capacitive)
Hall effect (magnetic field sensor)
Infrared proximity
Digital compass
ultrasonic range finder ( Devantech SRF05 have been tested and works great. Maxbotic's MaxSonar EZ1 seems like an excellent lowcost proximity sensor)
Evaluation and graphs of ultrasonic sensors
TAOS color sensor (possible application: the user waves the device over a paper interface that has different colors on it and it changes parameters. Users can also make their own paper inrterfaces and/or use the environment's colors as the interface) The range of detection is pretty limited tough.
Hook a fishfinder sonar to the ceiling of the black box space
piezo sensors
flex sensors
Infrared proximity
2 axis accelerometer from dimension engineering
Galvanic skin resistance sensors (home made)
10 or 12 bit multichannel ADC or singlechannel with multiplexer (if MCU doesn't feature any)
minimum 10-bits resolution
minimum 4 channels
I2c compatible would be good, otherwise serial
Op. voltage: 2.7 to 3.3 volts (3Volts)
I have two MAX186 8 channel 12 bit ADC (untested and not I2C compatible but serial)(datasheet)
Maxim IC tech support recommends MAX1361, 1137 and 113 (all 10 bits 4 channels I2C compatible)
LEDs, motors, actuators, etc.
(find the chip that synchronizes LED's to music)
Touch Screen (optional)
Simmetry CS-2B Graphic Display module (Blue and white) with touch screen (pdf) (but it runs on 5volts)
Sensory supports one type of serial flash,
the SPI interface AT45DB041B, and one type of serial EEPROM, the I2C
interface 24C128. Other sizes of serial EEPROM are also supported, from 1
Kbit up to 256 Kbit.
But no serial EEPROM, regardless how big, can work with RPMEMO. The write
time for a serial EEPROM is too slow. Only the serial flash can work with
If you want to use the AT45DB041B, then you should hook it up like this:
VR Stamp Pin AT45DB041B Pin
P03 -CS
P05 SI
P06 SO
Then, in the RPMEMO project window, make sure that 'serfmsglib.mcl' or
'serfmsgxlib.mcl' is selected as the memory driver. You may need to remove
the 'spflib.mcl' memory driver.
* Non-volatile message storage using patented
multi-level storage (MLS)
* Full range of Record and Playback Durations
(6 Seconds to 17 Minutes)
* 4.0 to 12.0KHz Sampling Frequency provides
Industry-Leading Sound Quality
* Designed for Message Management
o Single/Multiple messages
o Voice prompting
* Fully Integrated System Functions
o Automatic Gain Converter
o Microphone preamplifier
o Speaker drivers
o Oscillator
o Flash Memory
* Low Voltage Operation
* Customizable and localizable for different
markets and languages
* Highest quality in voice record and playback for embedded and standalone
o Voice band design for efficient speech capture
o Analog capture avoids sound quality degradation due to ADPCM and other digital
o Unique approach avoids cost and complexity of DSP based solutions
* Voice record and playback system on a single chip
o Analog circuit elements for complete system design solutions
* Non-volatile message storage due to multi-level storage architecture
o MLS technology eliminates digital compression artifacts, while minimizing
memory array size
module: TRF-2.4G Transceiver
2.45GHz - 250kbps - 40m Range - 20$US
Transceiver uMiRF - Micro-Miniature RF 2.4GHz
2.45GHz - 250kbps - 20m Range - 25$US
* 916.5 MHz Operation
* 300 Ft. Range - Dependant on Transmitter Power Supply
* 200,000 bps transfer rate.
* Small footprint
* Interfaces directly to MCU
* 26$US for tx/rx pair
Other Wireless technology links
Sunspot wireless sensor/actuator platform
The device seems to be able to detect nearby devices, although I don't know
which sensors it uses for this. I observed a demonstration by Rob Tow where
he "poured" the light in the leds from one device into the leds
of another device.
So you can play a game of tag, where a piece of code is transferred from one
device to another. (It would be cool if played with many people).
Rob Tow mentioned another application, not necessarily for Sun Spots: if you fit all packages in a postal truck with a device, the "swarm" can detect if a package fell off the truck (or was stolen).
Microstrain's rugged sensor and acquisition systems
Low cost Wireless Zigbee module
Wireless USB
FTDI USB-SERIAL Chip or FTDI US232B USB to Serial Adapter (optional)
For compatibility issues. Check if driver works for PC and Mac. Check voltage required (5volt vs 3volts)
3volt rechargeable batteries, find 3volts transformers for prototyping phase (dimension engineering voltage regulators come to mind)
IC Sockets
The IC sockets chosen are Mil-Max Low-profile gold-plated open frame, because they're small, light and sturdy. Also low profile ZIF sockets are ideal for the early prototyping phases when frequent reprogramming of the chip is needed.
Part List
Part Number | Description | Unit Price CAD |
601.75000 |
48.08000 |
25.24000 |
A348-ND |
9.41000 |
ISD5116P |
24.84000 |
ED5308-ND |
0.58500 |
ED5640-ND |
2.71100 |
ED5628-ND |
1.89700 |
Subtotal |
components to add:
speaker, microphone, LEDs, Sensors, connectors,etc.
Reference Extracts
The following are extracts from Dialogue with a monologue: Voice Chips and the Products of Abstract Speech by Natalie Jeremijenko
"Attributing agency to technology
Latour's Actor Network Theory
technological determinism
marginal benefit
conversing with a device
What is initially observable from the list of products and patents that contain
voice chips is
that there is no systematic relationship between the products that include voice
chips and the
uses or purposes of those products. Except for children toys, no one market
sector is more
saturated with talkative products than another. These chips are distributed
throughout diverse
products. However, we can view the voices as representatives, as in a democratic
republic where
voices are counted. Just as in a republic each citizen has a vote but most chose
not to exercise it,
likewise, most products could incorporate voice chips but most do not, so we
will count what we
Patents are a step in the
process of becoming owned, therefore worth money, and thereby demonstrate how
voice, a social
technology, becomes property.
who's voice; provoice; primovox; ume voice; first voice; topvoice; voice power;
truvoice; voiceplus;
voicejoy; activevoice; vocalizer; speechpad; audiosignature
Speech as Music
Many of the patents that are granted specifically collapse any difference between
and speech. This contrasts with the careful attention given to the meaning of
the words used in
the alarm system family of the Translators. An explicit example is the business
card receptacle,
which solves the problem of having business cards stapled onto letters making
them more difficult
to read, and provides an 'improved receptacle that actively draws attention
to the receptacle and
creates an interest in the recipient by use of audio signals, such as sounds,
voice messages,
speech, sound effects, musical melodies, tones or the like, to read and retain
the enclosed
object.'28 Another example is the Einstein quiz game that alternately stated
'correct, you're a
genius!!' or sounded bells and whistles, when the player answered the question
correctly. This
interchangeability of speech and music is common in the patent literature presumably
there no particular difference technically. In this way patents are designed
to stake claims -- the
wider the claim the better. The lack of specificity, this deliberate vagueness
in these material
based intellectual property law contradicts the carefulness of copyright law,
the dominant
institution for 'owning' words.
Local talk from a distance
One would expect chips which afford miniaturization and inclusion in many low
products to be designed to address their local audience, in contrast to booming
public address
systems or broadcast technologies. However, several of these voice chip voices
re-circulate on
the already established (human) voice highways. The oil spill detector29 that
transmits via radio
the GPS position of the accident, or 'the cell phone based automatic emergency
vehicle location
system' which reports the latitude and longitude into an automatically dialed
cell phone30. These
are examples of a voice chip standing in for, and exploiting the networks established
for humans,
transmitting as pretend humans. This class of products, local agents speaking
to remote sites, are
curious because the information can easily be transmitted efficiently as signals
of other types.
Why not just transmit the digital signal instead of translating it first into
speech? The voice
networks are more 'public access', more inclusive, if we count these products
as part of our
public, too. The counter example, of voice chips acting as the local agent to
perform centrally
generated commands, is also common, as in the credit card actuated telecommunication
network that includes a voice chip to interact locally with the customer while
the actual processing
is done at the main switchboard. Although the voice is generated locally, the
decisions on what it
will say (i.e. the interactions) are not.
This listing demonstrates a cultural phenomena which enthusiastically embraces
interacting with machine voices and articulates the specific didactic attitudes
that are projected
onto products. These technological socialization devices have already been subject
to analysis,
for instances Turkle's study of children attitudes towards 'interactive' products31.
the failure of the market place to find a need for voice capability on home
appliances has discouraged the use of voice
chips in other products'35 but lending the market agency for design assumptions
is circular logic.
This indicates that when the results are exhaustively knowable, the need for
they demonstrate that for the voice to
make sense, the technological relationship itself needs to make sense. The speech
from devices
is as culturally contingent as language.
Music, unlike
machines, is commonly understood as 'culture', or a cultural phenomena and its
analysis looks
very different in comparison with the analysis of technology.
Listening modes are not, of course, limited to music, and nor for that matter
is a musical
experience limited to music. Even so, teasing out the musical modes of listening
from listening
modes that focus toward the sound's quality, it's information carrying aspect,
or other nonverbal
aesthetic modes is difficult. The 'cultural work' of using unmusical sounds
as music is not
uncommon, for example, Chicago's Speech Choir, John Cages 4'33, the Symphony
of Sirens44
and the sounds created with samplers, particularly for percussive effects. At
the same time the
sirens, speech choirs, etc. do not lose their extra-musical meaning as they
become music.
Conversely, using musical sounds for nonmusical ends is the conceit of many
voice chip
Speech Acts categories:
Commissives: speaker places him/herself
under obligation to do something or carry something
out, promises for example, or in a telephone system, 'I will transfer you to
the operator';
Declaritives: making a declaration,
that brings about a new set of circumstances, when your boss
declares your are fired or when the car states 'the lights are on'; Directives:
tells the listener to do
something for the speaker, 'please close the door', 'move away from the car';
Expressives:without specific function
except to keep social interactions going smoothly, like 'please' and 'thank
you', or the more expressive 'I love you'.
elocutionary acts: to. .
. state, assert, describe, warn, remark, comment, command, promise, order, request,
apologize, censure, approve, welcome, express approval, and express regret.
is there a difference between talking with a voice chip and talking with something
(human) with
which we share capacities other than speech? Is speech abstractable?
"In order to practise and master chakujitsu, chaku has yet to be created."
Hugo Desmeules 2005